copy and paste the following beneath your cut tag (if this is the second style you're putting into an ij post change the number after lj-embed id and so on)
you'll need to readjust the width and height twice in order for there to not be a scrollbar visible in your ij post. it's possible that the style is too big and there will be a scrollbar regardless of how big you make the sizes in here. rule of thumb: if you have to scroll on neocities, you will have the scrollbar on ij too.
this works with both styles from neocities as well as ij styles. you'll have to change the width and height after both the object width and the embed width, you'll have to change it to fit according to each new style you put in. one size most definitely does not fit all in this case. you'll want to be sure there's not too much space left at the bottom and that your style doesn't get cut off anywhere. if it has pop-ups you want to be sure those are visible as well. this works best with styles with a white or no background (other backgrounds will be cut off at the edge and won't look as seamless)